Wednesday, May 23, 2012

21 hours later...

I'm awake! This one seems to have really knocked me down. I fell asleep when I got home, woke up when Nick came home for a few minutes and then back to sleep until now. Feel like someone slipped me some industrial strength sedatives.

Yesterday was more or less the same as previous sessions. Usual vein trouble. This time however when she gave up trying new places and went back to old faithful on the back of my right hand, my reliable little blue buddy collapsed as soon as the needle was in meaning I was back in the warm water and we had to start again. Eventually she got one into my inner left arm (eurgh) and I was on my way.

Met a girl about my age who had just finished her treatment for breast cancer. Her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes had held strong the whole way through chemo and had all fallen out at once 2 weeks after she finished treatment. Gutting! She had a double mastectomy and was starting radiation. Met a man who had been treated in 2008 for Lymphoma and was still coming in for monthly visits for a white blood cell boosting drip as his counts had never quite recovered. Met a lady who was an in-patient in another hospital and was over for the day for her chemo for lung cancer, she had wet herself on the way over. She was laughing about it. Met another lady whose husband had died of esophageal cancer 3 years ago, 8 months after she attained remission from breast cancer and she was now being treated for incurable secondary lung cancer. None of these people complain, their attitude is inspiring - just get on with it, it will be fine. Any day you feel like you can't cope, pop into the oncology ward of st vincent's hospital and speak to some people. They'll change your attitude.

Side effect wise- I got my super strength anti-nausea drip so that seems to be working again (don't want to speak too soon though) and got some new tablets to try to help with last time's agonising hand pain which they have diagnosed as neuropathy. If the tablets don't help we'll have to lower my chemo dosages, neuropathy causes permanent damage. I'm eager to not alter my dose though, I want the tried and tested formula as this gives me the best chance of cure. Time will tell. I'm back on my trusty kidney failure drugs also, might help me break it all down a bit quicker.

Overall, I'm happy with chemo 3 - it's over, I'm 1/4 of the way through, only 3 weeks until I get my 2 month scan, I'm getting there. Slowly but surely. Might try spend some time in my amazing sun trap garden with Louie and enjoy the rare Dublin sun. I'm happy I got diagnosed in Spring rather than Autumn :)


  1. Puts all my first world problems in perspective. Hope the tablets help with your hand pain. Your a star xxx

  2. Your positivity shines out today Sona very proud of yourself xxxx
