Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday lie-in countdowns

This sounds like fun, but it's not. I have been up all night with a weird pain in my left arm. It's an ache, about a 4 on the pain scale. So, my choices, go to the hospital and get them to look at it meaning best case scenario a couple of hours of hanging around the dreaded chemo ward OR lie in bed, pretend it's not happening. On a normal day, in the life of a non cancer patient, a pain in the arm is not something to consider a hospital trip for. This is what I have been reduced to! So here I am, still in bed at 1130am on a Tuesday, researching 'arm pain chemotherapy'. I have such a great life at the moment....

5 more days til my scan. 6 more days til they put the PICC line in my arm. 6 more days til I start my third month of chemo. Everything is one giant countdown these days. The largest countdown obviously being the one to the end of September when chemo will be done and this can hopefully be put behind me. I really think, among other things, poor Nick is getting sick of waking up with tiny hairs from my head in his mouth and all over the bed. I know I am. It's the exact reason Louie has never been allowed on the bed. I'm starting to feel a little hypocritical though, maybe I should sleep on a blanket in the kitchen too?? We can shed there together. Louie would LOVE that. Nick probably would too.

However, it is 1 more day until my ladies day out with my mother and sister for lunch and to spend a very generous voucher I was given by Nick's colleagues, 2 more days til I have a much craved dinner with the girls, 3 more days til Nick and I go to a nice hotel for a night of yummy food and Jacuzzis. 15 more days til we head over to visit his family for a weekend. 19 days until the Euros are over and I can reclaim the TV. Countdowns don't have to be bad when you have cancer.


  1. didn't want to read and run. just wanted to say that you're an inspiration.
    best of luck for your scan!

  2. the only solution is to let Louie sleep in your bed now! i love Louie! :)
