Friday, June 15, 2012

Romantic night away

So here we are, arrived at our hotel just in time for our dinner reservation. Are we eating? No. Our reservation was changed and we're watching football. Again. And Im bored and blogging. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with him, it's not like he does anything for me ;)

Today I went to work for lunch and stayed for four and a half hours. I miss my work buddies. They made me a lovely hamper of goodies and ordered my most favourite dessert- a maltesers cheesecake (of which I could murder another slice now while I wait for the worlds most delayed dinner). It's a lovely family we have in there and I can't wait til I'm once again a full time member. I even let some of the girls try on my wig, one of which left and went to the hairdresser armed with a picture of herself in the wig to tell them to make her hair look like that! I told her to just shave her head and I'll give her the wig.

In cancer related news, arm pain is about the same as yesterday- present but definitely manageable. I'm concerned as my eyebrows appear to be thinning. Not an immediate concern as I have a hellova lotta eyebrow. I'd definitely be sad to see them go altogether. It's always been scarier to me than head hair loss. On the subject of hair loss- I've lost most of the hair on the rest of my body. I'm reminded of the old lady at my first chemo who advised me to shave off all my pubic hair to "avoid it falling out all over the house". At the time I thought she was a crazy woman who was obviously wandering around her house naked. I have however yet to see one of these hairs falling out. Not in underwear, not in the shower, nowhere. Where are they going? I have visions of them falling out my trouser leg as I walk around the house. Maybe she was onto something this not-so-crazy old lady. Too much info again? Sorry. You're probably getting used to it by now.

Overall today is another very optimistic day- im going to enjoy my last few days before my week of hell, the end of which will mark the end of chemo #5 . Let's do this pacman, I'm totally back on form. You don't stand a chance little yellow fella....

Now, back to the England match

1 comment:

  1. Love Louie!! and love you almost as much! ;-) Come on Monday!!!! xxxxx
