Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The chemo truck

The chemo truck got me again. Everything hurts - bones, muscles, joints, skin, eyes, chest, stomach, mouth, head, bowels, back.....

I've been asleep for the best part of the last 24 hours, for the hours that I've been awake I've been unable to move. Lying here wishing it was over. Wishing that was the last time the truck was going to get me. Wishing I was one of the people on the tv I've been staring at since they don't seem to be in any pain. Even the idiots on Jeremy Kyle. You know things are bed when you're jealous of THOSE people. Or when trying to find the remote seems worse than spending 2 hours watching THOSE people.

Now I just wait for the next three days to pass. ONE MORE.


  1. am willing the time til you are finished chemo and go on your well deserved holiday,what will we do without the blog as you write so well with so much honesty,it has been a difficult journey for you but lets keep praying cancer is gone forever.Love Liz xxxxxxx

  2. Hi Sona if you have a counter on your blog you will see we check every day once, twice or even three times to find out how you are.........It is always great to read your news. You have done absolutely amazing throughout and not long now until the end of the chemo days!! We all send our Love and best wishes from UK. Paula & Family XX

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