Good news: mother nature informs me that I am still not infertile (albeit in a manner that is causing much additional pain and irritability) AND neupogen related bone pain seems to be actually stopping at mild-moderate as the leaflet promised which makes it far less suicide inducing than the neulasta of last month.
Bad news: I've been awake for 5 hours and have still not managed to get myself out of bed and in my 5 hours of internet research it seems only Canada and its standard treatment of my type and stage of lymphoma would advocate reducing chemo by 2 months. All other countries would have me finish my 6 months regardless of remission after 2 months. This is due to the nature of blood cancers over solid tumor cancers - the cancerous cells can be invisible in scans and just hang around ready to pop up again next year. We don't want that.
As you can see I'm not managing my 'forget about it and do what the doctors want' strategy too well. I think it's time to pop a few hundred painkillers, have a shower and attempt my first doggie walk of cycle 5 before the painkillers send me back to sleep. Poor Louie is being very neglected these days. He's not used to coming second to the humans. I think he probably hates cancer even more than we do...
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