Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Die Monsieur Le Pac #4

Firsty, I'm loving pacman's new name - well done Toni :)

Here I sit in the chemo ward, some hardcore anti nausea drugs dripping into my vein ( which she got on the back of my arm first go- a happy vein day!). Fun times. Some more good news already so far today :

1. I did not put on any weight this time. Steroids, I am beating you. Now someone hand me a pizza and we'll speak no more of it.
2. After pleading (and nearly crying) with the doctor she has agreed to no more of the 'injection of bone agony'. If my counts fall dangerously low they'll give me another type and see if it's any better. JOOOYYY!! The other option however is the daily shot for 5 days so I may need volunteers to call over and inject me in the stomach. Applications to the usual address please.
3. My scan to see my progress is on the 18th, I have chemo #5 on the 19th. I've just been told that on the 19th they'll have my results which means I only have to wait 2 more weeks to know just how sick Monsieur Le Pac is.

Yesterday was my only good day of the last chemo course, one good day in 2 weeks and then it was in to be hit again. Rough going. This one however is already better. And after today I'm 1/3 of the way there.

Horrray for the imminent death of Monsieur Le pac!

Amendment: it's now an hour later and the miracle vein collapsed meaning I had to get back in the hot water and they eventually got another line into my knuckle. Ouch. Also the lady beside me just threw up on my blanket. Something tells me this day is taking a turn...


  1. Hi sona your doing great very brave love reading your blog

  2. It's not taking a turn! You just throw up right back on hers Sones!! You gotta fight fire with fire ;-) Love Xxx
