Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mind over matter and peripheral neuropathy

Last Tuesday I had chemo number 8. Every hit I've had has been on a Tuesday (every 2 weeks) and every time it's Saturday before I'm up and about again. When I got the news that I in fact need 4 more hits (sounds so much more dramatic than 'treatments' or even 'chemos'...also, they feel more like hits than treatments) meaning 2 months, I decided I was going to have to reduce the number of 'bad days' I was having in every 2 week cycle. So, I decided to plan a full day of activities for the Friday and drag myself out of the slump one day earlier. Not only did I carry out the full day's activities which involved a hospital trip, shopping, lunch and entertaining for dinner until 1am (that's the latest I've stayed up in 6 months!!) but I did it all again yesterday staying up until TWO AM! Once again, mind over matter.

Number 8 seems to have passed relatively easy. I do have a new issue in the form of peripheral neuropathy. Well, I've always gotten slight neuropathy, but this week I completely lost all feeling in 2 fingers on my left hand. Remarkably annoying. It felt like they were asleep for 2 days and no matter how much I tried to shake them out the feeling just didn't return. Thankfully, they're back and have been tingling for 2 more days which should be the end of that. For now. I'll need to have a chat with them next time, I may need a dose alteration. Can't have me losing fingers.

I have a great week of activities planned so I just need to get through the next two days worth of bone pain inducing shots (oh how happy I was to be finished with those and how unhappy I am that I am still stabbing myself in the stomach with them on a daily basis) and I'll be free as a bird until number 9. Number 9 will be 3/4 way through. It's a little heartbreaking that I thought I was 3/4 way through a month ago but I'm not one to dwell.

My focus is on staying well enough to finish number 12 on the scheduled day (September 25th which is marked on my calender IN PEN which last time I checked can't be erased) so I have a chance of being able to go on my much needed holiday.

Some blog related news - this week we hit 50,000 views, added Fiji, Ukraine and the Philippines to the list of viewer locations and I seem to have attracted a reader who has decided I am a fake, do not in fact have cancer at all and am using this life threatening illness along with 'photo-shopped' pictures to build sympathy and publicity for myself in order to boost sales of my future book that I didn't know I was going to write. Oh how I wish you were right crazy lady. That would certainly make my life and it's associated problems much easier.

So, 50 days until my last fake treatment, 55 days until I'm awake after my last fake treatment, 59 days until my holiday. Let the countdown begin :)


  1. For a fake you have a lot of commitment! You are an inspiration sons. Keep smiling.
    Thinking of you lots and sending positive vibes


  2. Had to laugh! I blogged for a while, and the loons out there who will use any excuse to get a dig in are incredible. My husband Barry has worked with your sister, so I found your blog through that, and check in to see how you're doing every so often. I love your writing, and I will be first in line to buy your book (which you HAVE to write, because you're a great writer and you have a great story to tell). My cousin beat cancer and had a book published, and if he can do it you certainly can!
    Anywho (hate that!) I also wanted to tell you I had a beagle too, for 14 years, she was a little bitch in more ways than one, never wanted to cuddle, ran for her life if she ever got off the lead, and pretended she didn't know me in public, no matter how loud I called her name. They're great fun.
    You are an inspiration. I get teary reading your story, and it's so unfair, but I love your attitude, you really rock! And every time I take my B complex I see your name!
    Keep it up,
    Niamh x
