Thursday, May 24, 2012

The road to normality...again

Day 2 after chemo 3, Ive had breakfast and lunch, I'm going to try end number 3 today. I'm going to shower, and go out somewhere. It's a lovely sunny day, I think a drive is in order. I always try a drive, minimal energy. I think the neuropathy drugs are what's causing my incredible sleepiness this time round. My hands are fine today so I'm going to try a day without them and see if I'm any more awake.

Too much info alert - if you don't want to read it skip to the next paragraph. Today I got my period - never been so happy to meet with my painful little enemy. I'm not supposed to get periods. My reproductive system is supposed to be shut down by the chemo, a type of temporary menopause, then we wait for it to hopefully restart after chemo is finished. If they never stop, then there's no waiting for the return and there's a very good chance my fertility hasn't been affected by the poison. This has, since day 1, been my biggest concern about this illness (I was so satisfied with my 90% survival rate that I didn't even consider the possibility of death) and so this is very good news. Now I get to pop a couple of painkillers, in addition to all my other drugs, and feel even more normal for a few days :)

The next thing that needs to happen is I need to join a gym. Another KG heavier this week and I'm getting really concerned about the effect of the steroids and the lying around all the time. I have 9 good days every 2 weeks. On these good days I have nothing to do. I realise that mid cancer treatment is probably not the best time to start a diet/exercise regime but something's got to change. Louie is proving himself to be the most horrendous exercise companion - he wont allow me to take 3 steps before he has to stop for an extended sniff of some very exciting tree/fence/ piece of rubbish. He has also taken to collapsing on his side if I try to pull his lead making it impossible to pull him away. Clever little King Louie. I may be able to beat pacman, but I doubt I'll ever beat that little beagle.


  1. Hi Sona,
    I'm so glad your fertility has not been effected,(That is one of the bad side effects of chemo)
    Thank God it's not been effected.
    Be strong and you'll keep wining the fight.
    Sending you a big hug from L.A.
    Your uncle Koko the LOCO.

  2. just make sure you join a gym with a decent spa facility!! ;-) getting a manicure in a gym burns just as many calories as jogging for half an hour... someone told me that once. :-) x jus
