Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let the games begin!

Yesterday, after a month of testing, I was diagnosed with Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkins Lymphoma. This is an agressive, but treatable form of blood cancer usually found in younger people with an average age of onset of 28. (Ive always been advanced for my age :) ) The presence of 'activity' in more than one location (namely both sides of my neck, my chest and my left armpit) and the absence of other, what they call 'B' symptoms such as drenching night sweats and extreme weight loss, puts me at a stage 2A. Next week I will start a 6 month cycle of chemotherapy called ABVD.

There are 2 reasons why I want to keep the events of the next 6 months and beyond on full view in such an open way. Firstly, during the last month, despite the fact that I was not yet diagnosed, I knew what I had. The doctors knew what I had. My family knew what I had. I spent a large amount of time reading blogs of other lymphoma sufferers and survivors. I cannot describe how helpful I found this. I now feel I owe it to the Lymphoma world to put another one out there in the hope that maybe someday I can help a scared person in the same way.

Secondly, I understand that with this illness comes a responsibility to keep those who care about me informed. The response even this early is overwhelming, I am trying SO hard to keep everyone updated and respond to all calls and messages but I fear this will get harder. This way you can all check in when it suits and see whats happening. Thank you SO much for all the thoughts, prayers and kind words so far.

This is going to be a long and tiring road but I'm ready for it. So long Pacman. Let the games begin :) 


  1. Kick its ass pal. We're here for you every step of the way :) Love, slapsy xXx

  2. Mystery Chicks are even hotter in headscarves..xxxxxxxx

  3. I told ya hats with hair in them ARE cool....I'll start making some, you are lucky I left Phyllis to look after you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxx

  4. Go Team LymphSona. You're awesome x

  5. Pacman doesnt stand a chance xxx

  6. Chinese chop and kung foo kick that bad boy down! Let the games begin is right. With you through think & thin, hairy & not so hairy, happy & cranky pants, ups & downs, for the hysterical laughing & a good oul whine and moan - I'm always here. Here's to aerlingus frequent flyer programme :) :) :) Love you xxx

    Bolly Barry eat your heart out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDbA2-KbaO0

  7. We are so proud of you and the way you are facing this challenge...of course we are not surprised. Pacman doesn't realise what he is up against...but he sure is gonna find out....love you loads Ann and Phil xxxx

  8. You blow me away darling...Pacman does not stand a chance! Love ya xx

    1. Sona your just incredible, I'm with you every step of the way, let's the games begin lymphsona xxxxx
